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April 2022

Signed Copies and Where to Buy Them

Here in the USA, you can purchase signed copies of my books at the following shops.  Nearly all of them will happily ship to you!   

xo  E

California Barnes & Nobles 
They have the B&N exclusive purple edition of Family of Liars, plus We Were Liars and in most cases, Genuine Fraud and maybe Again Again

BN San Bruno
BN San Mateo
BN Dublin
BN El Cerrito
BN Beryville
BN Marina del Rey
BN Grove
BN Studio City
BN Americana

California Indies
Look here for the regular blue Family of Liars, plus We Were Liars, Genuine Fraud and maybe Again Again.  Plus they might have Whistle: A New Gotham City Hero, and if noted below, they have my Emily Jenkins books signed as well. 

West Portal Bookshop
Linden Tree Bookstore
Hicklebees (has lots of Emily Jenkins books)
Books Inc

New York City Indies

The Center for Fiction (Family of Liars only)
Greenlight Bookstore (all recent Lockhart books)
Community Bookstore (Family of Liars only)
Powerhouse on 8th (Family of Liars only)
McNally Jackson (Family of Liars only)
Books of Wonder (all recent Lockhart books including Whistle, plus Upside-Down Magic)
The Strand (all recent Lockhart books)

New York City Barnes and Nobles 
They have the B&N exclusive purple edition of Family of Liars, plus We Were Liars and in most cases, Genuine Fraud and maybe Again Again

BN Court Street
BN Park Slope
BN Union Sq
BN Tribeca

And in Connecticut:

RJ Julia




Spring and Summer Tour Adventures for Family of Liars

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I am traveling this spring and summer with Family of Liars -- signing and talking about the book with some incredible authors (listed below).  Basically, fun times in bookshops and libraries

I'd love to see you.  Schedule below.

I'll sign any book you bring me, and if you can't buy a book,  I'll sign a free bookmark or write on your hands.

Vromans bookstore

Upcoming TOUR DATES (updated May 25, 2022) 

Carmichael’s @ The Louisville Free Library (Louisville, KY)   w/ Brooke Lauren Davis  (debut thriller is The Hollow Inside) – Friday, 6/10/22 at 6:00pmFriday, 6/10/22 at 6:00pm
Listing Link with click through to register:

Little Shop of Stories @ The DeKalb County Public Library Decatur Branch (Decatur, GA) w/ Nic Stone  (latest books are Dear Justyce and the collaborative Blackout)– Saturday, 6/11/22 at 7:00pm
Listing Link with click through to register:

Vroman’s (virtual) with Kathleen Glasgow, Liz Lawson, Jessica Goodman w/ Alexa Donne  (Glasgow and Lawson's new book is The Agathas, and Goodman's new one is The Counselors)– Thursday, 6/30/22 at 6:00pm PT  
Listing Link with click through to register:

Titcomb’s Bookshop @ Sandwich Public Library (East Sandwich, MA) – Thursday, 7/14/22 at 6:00pm
Listing Link: TK

Hudson Valley YA Society Virtual Summer Reading Panel (hosted by Oblong Books) – Thursday, 7/21/22 at 7:00pm ET
Listing link with click through to register: coming soon

Bunch of Grapes Bookstore (Vineyard Haven, MA)  as part of the Islanders Write Festival – signing on Sunday, 7/31/22 at 5:30pm

The National Book Festival (Washington, DC) – Wednesday, 9/3/22,     Details to come

Decatur Book Festival (Decatur, GA) – Saturday, 10/1/22,  Details to come

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