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Family of Liars -- Mix Tape

In the Barnes & Noble special edition of Family of Liars (the purple one) there is a MIX-TAPE. I hand-wrote the cassette cover with all the songs, and decorated it with stars -- just like we used to do in 1987, when the book is set. There are a lot of other extras in that edition, too! Recipes, maps, and more.

But I wanted all my readers to be able to access the songs Carrie is listening to on Beechwood Island, so here is the list on Spotify. And on Apple Music.

As you can see from the picture, artists include REM, U2, The Pretenders, The Bangles, Eurythmics, Howard Jones, Dream Academy...
Happy Summer 1987, all of you.


Gift with Pre-order Purchase!

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Gift with pre-order!  Yippee! 

Indie bookshops in the US are offering this charming lemon bag as a gift with pre-order purchase of Family of Liars!  (There is a big scene to do with lemons in the novel.)  Available as long as supplies last.  170 stores are participating, so your local bookstore probably is!  Stores are listed here:
