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December 2014

Goodreads Top Ten

Cheery end of the year stuff is happening with We Were Liars. Your local independent bookshop will probably have nice gift-y looking copies with bands around the center that makes them look special, and Hudson Booksellers (in all the airports) will have the book on display for quick and easy gifts or airplane reading.  And Amazon says its their #1 YA book for the year, and the only YA book in their top 20. 

So I would be feeling pretty awesome if I weren't trying to finish the next book, which is  a BLOODY MESS right now. But still, I do feel awesome. 

The most fun awesomeness for you as a reader is that We Were Liars is up for the  GoodReads Choice Award -- which you can VOTE FOR.  It's in the YA Fiction category and we're down to the finals, now. You can very easily vote in all categories and it is quite fun to do. I voted in fiction and cookbooks. Anyway, WWL is in very good company so when you see the list of books in the top ten, you may vote for something else instead! But I hope you will go vote, because there's no doubt you'll find about about some good new books while you're doing it. 

UK Tour!

This is from my British publisher. I AM COMING TO LONDON! AND DUBLIN! AND LIVERPOOL! Please come out and see me. I love meeting readers. 

P.S. At the bottom of the post you can see the UK jacket for The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, which has never been available there until now. 



Hotkey Books writes:

We’re delighted to say we’ll be hosting E in the first week of December – Christmas presents for everyone you know, SORTED = signed copies of WE WERE LIARS! She’ll also be talking about the brilliant title THE DISREPUTABLE HISTORY OF FRANKIE LANDAU BANKS which we published just last week. Although very different to WE WERE LIARS it’s completely dazzling in it’s own way, so why not prepare for her visit by having a read before she gets here?

So finally, if you want to catch E Lockhart whilst she’s in the UK here are her public dates -

*Newly added*

Monday 1st December

After school drop in meet and greet (informal) Waterstones Cheltenham – 4:30pm – link to come but contact Waterstones for more info!

Tuesday 2nd December 

Waterstones Piccadilly, London – chaired by Anna James from We Love This Book and The Bookseller 


Wednesday 3rd December

Waterstones Liverpool ONE


Thursday 4th December

Easons O’Connell St, Dublin

Admission can be booked via Easons on 01-8583815


Friday 5th December

Waterstones Birmingham High St


We hope we’ll see you there!