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Linkie Links

There's a bunch of We Were Liars internet fun been going on past few weeks. I can't imagine you folks want to read it all, but here are some links anyhow!  

Here on Bustle, eight books besides mine with honkin' plot twists, including two of my fave books of all time, Liar by Justine Larbalestier and When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. 

Here, an interview on Parade about plotting the novel. 

And here, on Hello Giggles, a list of the best fictional liars, ever. Very nice company to be in. 

Then on Flavorwire, a list of feminist YA novels, starting with Disreputable History and including a load of awesome reads. 

And on GooglePlay I recommend my favorite summer reads

Below! Booktalk Nation video of me and Gayle Forman (Just One Day, Just One Year, If I Stay, which will be a movie in August! ) chitty-chatting about We Were Liars and drinking wine and talking feminism. 


And below, a video interview I did with Goodreads.