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Cheapy cheap eBook! How to Be Bad.

How to Be Bad by Lauren Myracle: NOOK Book Cover

Cheapy cheap eBook!

Now for a SHORT time, my novel How to Be Bad is only $1.99 in eBook format from BN.  
Edited to add: Also on ITunes, same great price.  And Books-a-Million, same dealie

Edited again to add: Finally, on Kindle, too!  Plus, don't forget you can buy it through an independent bookshop, too. I love Tattered Cover and you can buy it from their online shop. Likewise, Keplers. And Mrs. Nelson's. All same super great price.

About How to Be Bad:
If you like Frankie, you'll like Vicks. Promise. She's a kick-butt younger sister of like, six older brothers (could be five, I can't remember) -- who takes off with her two best friends on a Florida road trip to hunt down a guy who's doing her wrong.  

I co-wrote this book with Sarah Mlynowski & Lauren Myracle. How to Be Bad is three times the fun, cause it's all three of us together!  Yippee!  

Cheesy to say, I know. But true!

Sarah's new book is Ten Things We Did, and Lauren's new one is Shine.

Ten Things is hilarious and RACY and all about what happens when two girls are living alone without parents for junior year of high school. Shine is southern gothic -- a stunning, disturbing mystery about a horrific hate crime and the way it affects the victim's oldest friend. And lookie! Here is a video we made together about the book! It has ridiculous footage of our tour hijinks, also.

Anyway, here's that linkie to the eBook again. $1.99.

It Gets Better

It gets better. To all of you teenagers struggling with being different, being lesbian, bi, gay, transgender or questioning, being bullied, hating your body, hating life -- it gets better. I am proud to be a part of this video made by author Phil Bildner full of amazing YA and children's writers and illustrators, part of Dan Savage's It Gets Better campaign. 

Sarah Mlynowski, Radio Controversies and More!

Sarah Mlynowski is my good friend. She and I wrote How to Be Bad together with Lauren Myracle.

(Stay tuned for VERY EXCITIING How to be Bad news, coming up. Well, okay - -moderately exciting. But NEWS.) Anyway.

Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have)

Sarah M's new book is flying off the shelves and it's Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have). It is SOOOOOO funny, and racy and true, and I wanted you all to know about it. So I thought, in honor of her BOOK OF LISTS and my own Ruby Oliver BOOKS OF LISTS, I would make her write a list! Or answer questions in a list. Gah. Whatever. HEre it is!!

 Questions by me, answers by Sarah. 

1. You're from Montreal. What's Canadianism you still use, despite all your years living in New York City? I say “eh.” A lot. 

2. Favorite snack while writing? Toasted Marshmallows. (I’ve only set fire to the toaster oven once.)

3. Favorite swear word? Tabarnac (Is French Canadian so you can’t really get in trouble. Unless you’re in Quebec.)

4. Tell me a book that gave you nightmares. The Witches. *shivers*

5. Tell me a sentence from Ten Things. “Why was I in bed with a guy who was not my boyfriend without any pants?”

6. A great teen book you read recently. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. Swoon.  

7. A word of dating wisdom. A watched phone never rings.

8. You just toured with Sara Shephard and Maureen Johnson. Describe them each in one word.  Sara: sweetheart. Maureen:  Tabarnac is she funny. 

9. What made you laugh this week? My toddler counting. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, eleventeen. 

10. Give me the movie pitch version of Ten Things -- ie. Jaws meets Great Expectations. Female RISKY BUSINESS.  





In other news, the kerfuffle over the misinformed and inflammatory Wall Street Journal article by Megan Cox Gurdon continues. (Here's Gurdon's post-kerfuffle riposte, with like 400 comments.) I was interviewed recently for the Vassar Quarterly about the whole thing. Since like every YA novelist alive and dead went there, including me, they are publishing an article. But that won't be out for awhile. 

Today, you can work yourself into an irate frenzy by listening to archived radio from yesterday! Here is my pal and co-author Lauren Myracle, most banned/challenged author in the USA today and specific target of Gurdon's disdain for her new novel Shine, discussing the issue on NPR with Gurdon! 

Novelist Maureen Johnson, also my friend, had a pubic convo with Gurdon on Why radio, here:


In still other news, I'm shacked up in Venice Beach, CA for a couple weeks,  kind of writing, kind of vacationing, etc. Right now I am in a chain coffee shop wtih a bunch of tan dudes with big muscles!