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December 2010
Next month:
February 2011

Blog tour

More Blog tour goodness: on Bookworm, I talk about all my chapter titles for the Roo books -- plus there's a chance to win a free copy of Real Live Boyfriends! 

Also, judging ends today 9pm on Figment -- the Ruby Oliver List contest.  You can be a judge!  Just go on over and do it! Tonight (Wed) at 9 they announce the finalists.

Last, Real Live Boyfriends and a LOT OF OTHER awesome books are nominees for the top five teen books of the year at Teen Reads together with the Children's Book Council. You can go vote for your favorites! 


Lots of little newsy bits:

There's a contest on Figment to win copies of Real Live Boyfriends! Ends  tomorrow, Jan 13. 

I am on blog tour! First stop was making a list at Confessions of a Bookaholic. Second was my secret double life at Random Acts of Reading. Later today there's a letter to readers at Books on the House, but as of now it's not up. 

Then Thursday I will be at Figment answering questions. I'll post the link when I get it.

My appearance calendar is updated -- check out Jan and Feb events.

Last, Real Live Boyfriends is on YALSA's list of Best Fiction for Young Adults. See all the books here!

Ruby and Frankie merchandise!

Some of you have been asking about Ruby and Frankie merchandise -- and now, in celebration of REAL LIVE BOYFRIENDS being finally in stores, there's a Zazzle store where you can buy "Ag" shirts, Loyal Order buttons, and Robespierre mugs. 

Comments are open -- and if there's anything you especially like, or anything you want to see, let me know.

xo E