July 08, 2009
We have a winner and her name is Amanda! Thanks all you guys for sending in your answers to the questions. Amanda, I'll put a package in the mail to you tomorrow if you send me your snail mail address!
1. What is the full name of the guy who does the single-boob-grope in the movie theater?
Shep Cabot
2. What does Jackson Clarke like to eat on french fries?
He'll eat ketchup, but what he really likes is mayo.
3. What are Nancy Drews?
Affirmations of personal strengths -- in other words, things Ruby is good at.
4. What is a thing you should NOT wear if you are going to be making out with someone?
Many answers to this one, including red lipstick, a dress, and a back-close bra.
5. What does Ruby suggest you say to a catcaller who says, "Baby, can I see you sometime?"
"How about never? Is never good for you?"
The Treasure Map of Boys goes on sale either July 25th OR the 28th. Different places say different things.
At the same time, most bookstores will be stocking the NEW Fly on the Wall paperback, which looks infinitely cooler than the old one.