Cute Men of YA Literature
Looking for Alaska

Suite Scarlett

Last night I finished Suite Scarlett by my own friend Maureen Johnson. You can read the first chapter here!

Suite Scarlett is about a family who runs a run-down but glamorous small hotel in NYC. They are eccentric and charming and broke. Scarlett, our heroine, is hired by strange and overwrought hotel guest Mrs. Amberson to act as general assistant -- which ends up entailing the theft of tuna fish, the committing of seriously unkind pranks, the redecoration of the hotel dining room, and the production of Shakespeare's Hamlet on unicycles.

Also, there's romance. And a sequel is in the works. There will be a whole series! This is MJ as you know her from her outrageous blog. A completely wild imagination and massive doses of hilarity. I loved it!

It comes out in May.