Lauren Barnholdt's boyfriend list
July 17, 2006
Lauren Barnholdt wrote REALITY CHICK, which is about a normal college Freshman girl, Ally, who agrees to let her entire life -- uncensored -- be videotaped for reality television.
Even though she has a long distance boyfriend and a devastatingly cute housemate....
“This book was hilarious! I could not put it down! Barnholdt is a fresh new voice in teen fiction.” -- Sarah Mlynowski, bestselling author of Milkrun, As Seen on TV and Bras & Broomsticks
I've read Reality Chick, and it's funny and romantic and kind of creepy in that it explores all the complications that come from total invasion of privacy -- a tradeoff for temporary fame. So if you've ever wondered what it would be like to be on one of those shows, this is the book for you.
Lauren has a blog, which is about shopping and writing and La Vie de Lauren.
She's had some bad, bad boyfriends.
And she wrote them all down for us! With crying and everything.
And she pretended to like heavy metal! Which I have done, too!
These are not all the boys I've dated, just the ones that have been bad and/or have broken my heart in some way.
Ryan -- Second grade. He had spiked hair and got in trouble for writing "bite me" on his chair at school. He liked my friend Lisa better than me.
Mark -- Fifth grade. I had no chance. Everyone wanted him, and he was dating a sixth grader. But I did get to sit next to him in school.
Luke --- Seventh grade. My friend asked him if he would go out with me, and he made a motion like he was going to throw up. Then he started dating this girl who sat next to me in study hall, and I had to listen to her tell all her friends about how awesome he was.
Jim -- Ninth grade. My first kiss. We kissed at the mall after going to a movie. He broke up with me a week later, and then I caught him trying to hit on my best friend. I cried. A lot.
Brian -- Ninth grade. (Ninth grade was a bad year for me.) My first real boyfriend. We dated for a month, and then he broke up with me. I wrote him a sappy love letter to get him back, and it almost worked, until my supposed best friend hooked up with him instead (Yes, the same friend who Jim hit on. She was evil.) I cried. A lot. I stayed friends with him, though, and pretended I wasn't in love with him for ... hmm.. yup, pretty much all of high school.
Ian -- We dated my junior and senior year of high school, off and on. We fought. A lot. I cried. A lot. Finally, we broke up and he got another girlfriend like two days later. It ended with him saying to me, "Never talk to me again." Yikes.
Bill -- Freshman year of college. He had a girlfriend, but I still thought he was hot. Then they broke up, and I thought I was in. I even pretended to be interested in heavy metal music so that I could borrow some of his CDs. Finally, I told him I had a crush on him, and he wasn't interested. It was very awkward for the rest of the year.
Robbie -- Right after college. He told me wanted to marry me someday, then broke up with me after four months. I was so upset, I went away for the summer to an all-girls camp so that I wouldn't have to look at boys.